"Don't part with your dreams - when they are gone you may still exist but you will have ceased to live" - Mark Twain

"Do you know that this blog wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you being here to read it!?" - Bobby Gill

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Nicki Pattison on Branding; And Bobby on The Apprentice

Well last night I had my good old VHS running to tape The Apprentice - no digital boxes or hard drives here. As I was attending a YES Group this evening, they really should have checked their dates!

Nicky Pattison
was speaking at the YES Group North last night and telling us her story. She was great and comes across as a very genuine person, that you don't care what she's selling, you just want to give her your money! People deal with the person that you are and your brand is where you have come from and your story.

What I learnt was that you just need to be yourself and honest in business, as it's about connecting with people on a real level and not putting on a professional front - well at least no-one could accuse me of being professional!!!

Nicki does regular workshops and said she'd put one on in Huddersfield if I could get 10 people together. Anyone reading interested, then contact me. Actually, anyone reading at all...?

We - Karen, Jo, Rash, Rob, Satnam and Satie went for a post YES meal at Wetherspoons.
It was also suggested I change the name of this from Bobby's blog to Bobby's Chronicles - admittedly, it HAS been a busy month!
Rob Bell decided to help me work on my branding as well. This is what happens when you sit in a pub all night talking about everything and nothing. I think he just copied and pasted it from WW Bell Do!?

What do you think? Does it have a global appeal ;-)

I came back to a naff recording of The Apprentice! The video heads needed cleaning for the last decade, luckily I found the BBC iPlayer site to watch TV from the last 7 days. So if you missed an episode - here it is:

Watching, it's always easier being on the outside looking in, yet when you're in the hot seat and under pressure, particularly in a market you're not familiar with it is more stressful. They were really dropped in it by Sir Alan. Especially when everyone else is busy watching their own back, instead of focusing on the task.

Not much time to come up with a plan, although market research should have been top of the list and at least visiting a fish monger.

I'd have fired all three after that bickering and snobbery! Bring back the candidates of series gone by, this lot are already becoming annoying. Never mind them, will I make it through the series!?


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