"Don't part with your dreams - when they are gone you may still exist but you will have ceased to live" - Mark Twain

"Do you know that this blog wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you being here to read it!?" - Bobby Gill

Thursday 8 May 2008

Golfing, networking and panic in the property markets!

Went for my first game of golf since a child hood accident, I was stood behind someone swinging a golf club in a field - not a pretty outcome!
Managed to do a couple of holes in one over par and the other's well over. Satnam P was serious competition. 9 holes in 72 shots gave me a really generous handicap, lol... Tiger Woods, here I come...

I'd been to the Huddersfield Examiner office to let them know about the Northern Property events we were hosting and if the editors and staff in the property department would like to come along.

Well of course they jumped at it and said 'No'!? They couldn't spare the staff and no-one was available. It surprised me a little, then I realised people didn't want to read about successful property investors or something exciting happening in town. The market crash and other drivel is much more important to sell papers. It would also require the staff to do a couple of hours on an evening on overtime to learn something. Is this what everyone with a J-O-B thinks? Oh well, I went to see the estate agents in Huddersfield to let them know too.

They should come along to networking events and they'd have something to smile about too :-)

The speakers at last night's event were HMO Daddy, Jim Haliburton who is successfully buying and converting houses to HMO's - Houses of Multiple Occupancy in Wednesbury, West Midlands. Find out more about Jim and his courses here: Jim Haliburton - HMO Daddy.

The other guest was Rob Moore from Progressive Property who is a successful investor from Peterborough. His company are still busy buying BMV - Below Market Value property. You can get his book and learn more about there techniques here: Rob Moore - Progressive Property

We were also reminded that off-plan companies like Inside Track had gone bust and TIC Ltd just followed suit leaving people out of pocket. Approximately 150 estate agents are closing down every week and mortgage brokers are feeling the squeeze from the credit crunch and investors who were only relying on one product to purchase their BMV properties were up a creek without a paddle when it got withdrawn.

How do you get around all this and stay in business. Get educated and move with the times. Instead of making excuses for your circumstances and where you are - do something. Invest time and money in yourself and diversify. If that makes sense to you then you're already on your way. If not, you're best off staying in your job and blaming other people for making your life hard.
"Don't You Wish It Were Easier, Wish You Were Better" - Jim Rohn

Our next property event in the north is The Northern Property Summit, 18th May 2008. Take a look and get booked on now if you want to learn more on the changing property market.

Well that's enough of another quiet day in Huddersfield. A few days to get my paperwork in order and getting ready for retirement in June 08. Or will I just be busier doing more fun stuff? :-)

My definition of retirement? Living the life you want without having to do the things you don't enjoy!


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