"Don't part with your dreams - when they are gone you may still exist but you will have ceased to live" - Mark Twain

"Do you know that this blog wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you being here to read it!?" - Bobby Gill

Wednesday 6 July 2011

MY Top 11 Inspirational Speakers

Who are my top speakers?

I get asked this a lot so decided to do a Top 10, which turned into 11.
(Then I remembered a couple more)

So here's the list... ranked by ENERGY and Emotion.

Richard Branson (definitely the Greatest shining Soul!)
Mark Victor Hansen
Tony Robbins
John Demartini
Kerwin Rae
Joseph McClendon III
Michael Bradford
Harry Singha
T. Harv Eker
Clinton Swaine
Blair Singer
Topher Morrison
Eric Edmeades
Bob Proctor
Clayton Ainger
Roger Hamilton

Note: These are speakers that I've heard live and/or met in person - and so must YOU!
There are many other wonderful souls out there and books that are also life changing.
You don't have to be on a list, a speaker or an author to be inspiration and make a difference!

I want to be able to add David Icke to this list within the next 12 months.

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." -Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Once you feel the energy, you know what is true!" - Bobby Gill

Website links:
Richard Branson - www.virginunite.com
Mark Victor Hansen - www.markvictorhansen.com
Tony Robbins - www.tonyrobbins.com
John Demartini - www.drdemartini.com
Kerwin Rae - www.kerwinrae.com
Joseph McClendon III - www.makeyourfate.com
Michael Bradford - www.theintuitiveadvantage.com
Harry Singha - www.youthcoachingacademy.com
T. Harv Eker - www.harveker.com
Clinton Swaine - www.frontiertrainings.com
Blair Singer - www.blairsinger.com
Topher Morrison - www.tophermorrison.com
Eric Edmeades - www.ericedmeades.com
Bob Proctor - www.bobproctor.com
Clayton Ainger - www.claytonainger.com
Roger Hamilton - www.rogerhamilton.com

Yes, I do know some female speakers and that there aren't any women on this top list - but I can assure you that all of these guys have mothers they love and that loved them - and partners that have supported them and helped them to shine. So they are not missing from the big picture.


Update: Actually after having another think and the fact there weren't any women at the NAC 2011 in London. Check these ladies out:
Lynne Twist - www.soulofmoney.org
Samantha Backman - www.samanthabackman.com
Joanna Martin - www.joannamartin.tv
Brigitte Sumner - www.brigittesumner.com
Mindy Gibbins-Klein - www.bookmidwife.com
Judy May Murphy - www.judymay.tv
Marie-Claire Carlyle - www.marieclairecarlyle.com
Getrude Matshe - www.getrudeinspires.com

This was supposed to be a list of my Top 11 Inspirational speakers but why hold back when you can find and give so much more? :-)
